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The Wisdom of Crowds
by James Surowiecki
Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and
How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations

The E-Myth
by Michael Gerber
Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work
and What to Do About It

Law of Success
by Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill was commissioned by the richest man in the world at the time, Andrew Carnegie, to create an economic philosophy. Carnegie said philosophers had concentrated on morals, and there were plenty of moral philosophies, but not one economic philosophy. Every person who had risen from poverty to wealth had to do it on his own, learning from the brutal (and slow) trial-and-error method. Carnegie thought that was wrong, and he challenged Napoleon Hill to correct it. Carnegie then gave Hill letters of introduction to the most successful men of the time: Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, F. W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., etc. Hill interviewed over five hundred extremely successful people, many of whom you have heard about, to discover what philosophy they used in succeeding. This book is the result of that extensive research.

Global Crises, Global Solutions
by Bjorn Lomborg
World-leading economists confront world-threatening problems. This volume provides a uniquely rich set of arguments and data for prioritizing our responses to some of the most serious problems facing the world today, such as climate change, communicable diseases, conflicts, education, financial instability, corruption, migration, malnutrition and hunger, trade barriers, and water access. Leading economists evaluate the evidence for costs and benefits of various programs to help gauge how we can achieve the most good with our money. The volume is edited by Bjorn Lomborg, head of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. He was named one of the 100 globally most influential people by Time magazine in April 2004. Foreign Policy and Prospect Magazine had him listed as the world's 14th most influential intellectual in October 2005.

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